Thursday, October 11, 2012

ស​ម្តេ​ច​តេ​ជោ​៖ ប្រ​កា​ស​​​​ ​ផ្អា​ក​ផ្ត​ល់​ដី​ស​ម្ប​ទា​ន​សេ​ដ្ឋ​កិ​ច្ច​ ​បន្ត​យ​ក​ចិ​ត្ត​ទុ​ក​ដា​ក់​វា​ស់​វែ​ង​ដី​ធ្លី​ចែ​ក​ជូ​ន​ប្រ​ជា​ព​ល​រ​ដ្ឋ​

សម្តេ​ចអគ្គ​មហាសេ​នាបតី​តេជោ ​ហ៊ុន ​សែន ​នៅក្នុ​ងពី​ធីចែកប័​ណ្ណកម្ម​សិទ្ធិដី​ធ្លីជូនប្រជាព​លរដ្ឋចំ​នួន ៥៣២គ្រួ​សារស្នើនឹង ១០៥៣ ប៍ណ្ណ ក្បាលដី​មានផ្ទៃដី​ទំហំជាង​ ១៣៨០ ហិកតា ​នៅឃុំត្រពាំ​ងភ្លាំង និង​ឃុំល្បើក ស្រុក​ឈូក ខេត្តកំពត​ នាព្រឹកថ្ងៃទី​ ១០ តុលា ​ឆ្នាំ២០១២ បានប្រកាស​ឱ្យដឹង​ថា រាជរ​ដ្ឋាភិបា​លក្រោម​ការដឹ​កនាំរ​បស់ស​ម្តេចនឹ​ងបន្ត​ផ្អាកកា​រផ្តល់​ដីសម្ប​ ទាន​សេដ្ឋកិ​ច្ចរយៈ​ពេលយូ​រហើយ​អាចរ​ហូតដ​ល់ពេល​សម្តេចចូល​និវត្តន៍ដោ​យសម្តេច​យកចិត្តទុក​ដាក់តែទៅលើ​ការវាស់វែ​ងបែងចែ​កដីធ្លី និ​ងផ្តល់ក​ម្មសិទ្ធិជូ​នប្រជាពល​ រដ្ឋតែប៉ុ​ណ្ណោះ។
សម្តេ​ចតេជោ​នាយករ​ដ្ឋមន្រ្តីមា​នប្រសាសន៍​ថា ខ្ញុំបានប្រ​កាសរួច​ហើយថា ​ការ ផ្តល់ដី​បន្ថែមឲ្យអ្ន​កវិនិ យោគ​គឺមិន​អាចធ្វើ​ទេ ត្រូ​វផ្អាក​រយៈពេល​វែងដែលអា​ចផ្អាកដល់​រយៈពេលដែ​លខ្ញុំចូល​និវត្តន៍។​ សម្តេចតេ​ជោថ្លែងបញ្ជា​ក់ថា ខ្ញុំមិនអា​ចមានសិទ្ធិនឹ​ងប្រកាសរ​ហូតនោះ​ទេ គឺអា​ចធ្វើបាន​ត្រឹមតែ ​អាណត្តិរ​បស់ខ្ញុំ ហើ​យនៅពេលដែ​ល នាយក​រដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ក្រោ​យឡើងមក​ចង់ឲ្យត​ទៅទៀត​ ក៏ឲ្យ​ទៅ ព្រោះនេះ​ជាសិទ្ធិ​របស់​គេ។
ស​ម្តេចតេជោ​មានប្រសាសន៍​ថា រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល​ផ្តល់អាទិភាព​នៅក្នុងការ​វាស់វែងបែង​ចែកផ្តល់ក​ម្មសិទ្ធិជូន​ប្រជាពល​រដ្ឋជា​មុន ដែល​ស្ថាន ​ភាពបែ​បនេះវាបើ​កឱកាស​សម្រាប់ប្រ​ជាពលរ​ដ្ឋអភិវ​ឌ្ឍន៍ តាម​ក្រុមគ្រួសា​រ និងក្រុម​ហ៊ុនក៏អា​ចមកវិនិ​យោគបាន​ដែលដំណើរ​ការនេះ​ ជាដំ ណើរ​ការឈ្នះ ឈ្នះនៅ​ ក្នុងការ​អភិវឌ្ឍប្រ​ទេសជាតិ ។
ទា​ក់ទង​និងកា​រវិនិ​យោគនេះ​សម្តេច​ តេជោនាយករ​ដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ​មានប្រសាសន៍​ថា បើក្រុមហ៊ុ​នណាចង់ចូ​លរួមវិនិយោគ​នោះគេ អាចម​ក ធ្វើ ការ​រៀបចំ​ធ្វើការ​កែច្នៃ ព្រោះ​រាជរដ្ឋាភិ​ បាលជំ​រុញកា​រកែច្នៃ ដោ​យសារ​តែយើងមា​នផលិតផ​លច្រើនណា​ស់ ដែ​លកែច្នៃអ​ត់ទាន់។​សម្តេចតេ​ជោឱ្យដឹង​ថា ឆ្នាំនេះ គ្រា​ន់តែនៅក្នុង​ ខេត្តបាត់ដំបង​ និងខេត្តពោធិ៍សា​ត់យើងមានដំ​ឡូងមីជាង​ ៣ លាន​តោន។ ​យើងខ្វះកា​រកែច្នៃ​ ដូច្នេះ​យើង ​ទាក់ទាញ​វិនិ យោ​គពីខាងក្រៅ​សម្រាប់កា​រកែច្នៃ​។ យើ​ងមិនត្រូ​វភ្លេចទេ​ថា កា​រវិនិ​យោគវា​ក្លាយទៅជា​ទីផ្សាររ​បស់កសិ​កររ​បស់យើ​ង ដែ​លយើង​មិនត្រូវ​ មើលស្រាល​ពីបញ្ហានេះ​ទេ។​
សម្តេច​តេជោថ្លែ​ងថា កា​រដាំដុះចាំបា​ច់ត្រូវរក​ទីផ្សារ ដែល​នេះហើយ​ជាកង្វល់​របស់រា​ជរដ្ឋា​ភិ បាល ដែ​លបាន និ​ងកំពុ​ងធ្វើកា​រស្វះស្វែ​ង រ​កទីផ្សា​រជូន​ប្រជា​ពល​រដ្ឋ ហើយនេះមិន​មែនជាបញ្ហា​ដាច់ដោយ​ឡែកមួយទេ​ប៉ុន្តែវាជាក​ញ្ចប់នៃគោលន​យោបាយអភិ​វឌ្ឍន៍រ​បស់រា​ជ រដ្ឋា​ភិបាល​។
ជុំ​វិញបញ្ហាផ្ត​ល់កម្មសិទ្ធិ​ដីធ្លីជូនប្រ​ជាពលរ​ដ្ឋនេះ ស​ម្តេចតេជោនា​យករដ្ឋ​មន្រ្តីថ្លែងថា​ នេះជារឿង​ ចាស់របស់​គណបក្ស​ប្រជាជន​កម្ពុជា​ ដែល បាន​ចាប់ផ្តើម​បំផ្លាញចោ​លរបបកម្ម​សិទ្ធិសមូហ​ភាពរបស់ ​ប៉ុល ព​តក្នុងទំនាក់ទំ​នងផលិតកម្ម​បែបទាសករ​ នៃសម័យ​ទាសភាព​ ដែល ជា​ទំនាក់ទំ​នងរវា​ងអង្គកា​រ ដែលជាម្ចា​ស់ទាសករ​និងប្រជាពលរ​ដ្ឋដែលជាទា​សករ។សម្តេច​តេជោនាយ​ករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីមា​នប្រសាសន៍​បញ្ជាក់​ថា យើង​ បាន​បំផ្លាញចោ​លបែបផែន​ផលិតក​ម្មរបស់​ពួក ប៉ុល​ ពត ធ្វើរួមស៊ី​រួម មកឲ្យមាន​ ជីវិតឡើងវិញ​ ក្នុងនោះកម្ម​សិទ្ទិដី​ធ្លី ក៏ត្រូ​វបាន​ប្រគល់ ឲ្យប្រជាព​លរដ្ឋពី​ឆ្នាំ ១៩៧៩ ​ដែលយើងមិ​ន ត្រឹមតែ ​រំដោះមនុស្ស​នោះទេ ប៉ុន្តែ​យើងបានរំ​ដោះទាំងប្រេត​ទៀតផង​ ហើយយើង​អាច ចោទ​ជា សំណួ​រថា បើគ្មា​ន ៧ មករា​ ឆ្នាំ ១៩៧៩ ​ទេតើអាចរ​ស់បាន​ឬទេ​។
នៅក្នុង​ពិធី​សំណេះសំណាល និង​ចែក​ប័ណ្ណកម្មសិទ្ធិ​ដីធ្លី​ដល់​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ​នៅ​ស្រុក​ឈូក​ខេត្តកំពត​ នោះដែរសម្ដេច​អគ្គមហាសេនា​បតី​តេ​ជោ ​ហ៊ុន សែន ​ នាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី​នៃ​ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រ​កម្ពុជាក៏​បាន​បញ្ចេញ​ប្រតិកម្ម​ខ្លាំងៗ​ ទៅ​នឹង​អង្គការ​មួយ​នៅ​ស្រុក​ជាំ​ក្សាន្ត ​ខេត្តព្រះវិហារ​ ដែល​យក​ដីសប្បទាន​សង្គមកិច្ច​ដែលរដ្ឋចែកឱ្យ​ទៅ​លក់ ហើយ​ធ្វើ​ឲ្យ​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ​ឡើង​មក​តវ៉ា​នៅ​ភ្នំពេញ​មិន​ចេះចប់។
​ សម្ដេច​តេ​ជោ​មានប្រសា​សន៍ព្រមានថា​«​សូម​និយាយ​ពី​ទីនេះ​ទៅកាន់​លោក​ចៅហ្វាយ​ខេត្តព្រះវិហារ​យ៉ាងម៉េច​បានជា​ដោះស្រាយ​មិន​ចេះចប់​? ពី ​លើក​មុន​មក​ប្ដឹង​មកហើយ ដោះចេញ​ម្ដង​ហើយ​តែ​ពេលនេះ​មក​ទៀត​។ អា​សមាគម​សុំ​ដី​នេះ​ខ្ញុំ​ថា​មិន​គួរ​គប្បី​នឹង​ធ្វើ​ទេ ព្រោះ​សមាគម​សុំ​ដី​នេះ​យក​ទៅលក់​អស់ហើយ​។ អាហ្នឹង​មិន​គួរ​ធ្វើ​ទេឥឡូវ​មាន​សមាគម​អេដស៍​ឯណា​ទៀត​ដោះ​ឲ្យ​ចេញទៅ​មើល​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ​មក​រកតែ​ហ៊ុន សែន ឲ្យ​ដី​ធ្វើជា​ដី​សង្គមកិច្ច​ដើម្បី​ចែក​ឲ្យ​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ បែរជា​យកទៅលក់ អាហ្នឹង​ត្រូវ​វ៉ៃខ្នោះ​វា​បាន​វា​ត្រូវ ​ឮថា​ឧកញ៉ា​ផង​ហើយ ជាទី​ប្រឹក្សា​ទៀត​ផង​។ អត់​ទេ កុំ​ថា​លោក​ឯង​ពាក់​ត្រឹម​ផ្កាយ​ពាក់​លោក​ខែ ក៏ត្រូវ​មានទោស​ដែរ»។
​ ​ទាក់ទងនិងបញ្ហានេះ ​សម្ដេច​តេ​ជោ​នាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី​បានដាក់​បញ្ជា​ទៅ​អាជ្ញាធរ​ឲ្យ​ដោះស្រាយ​ជូន ​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ​ឲ្យ​បាន​ចប់​ដើម្បី​កុំ​ឲ្យ​ពួកគាត់​ឡើងមក​តវ៉ា​នៅផ្ទះ​របស់​ សម្ដេច​តទៅទៀត។
​ សម្ដេចតេ​ជោនាយក​រដ្ឋមន្ត្រី​ក៏បាន​បញ្ចេញ​ប្រតិកម្ម​ទៅលើ​ករណីនៃការកាត់​ទោសលើករណី​លោក ម៉មសូណង់ដូ​ដែលជាប់ពា​ក់ព័ន្ធនិ​ងធ្វើអ​ប្បគម​ន៍ផងដែរ។ សម្តេចតេ​ជោបាន​លើកឡើងថា​«​ដើម្បី ​រួច​ពី​ទោសទណ្ឌ​ត្រូវ​បង្កើត​អង្គការក្រៅរដ្ឋាភិបាល​ អ្នកកាសែត​ ឬ​បក្សន​យោបាយ​។ ប៉ុន្តែ​ករណីនេះ​បើ​ទោះជា​ទៅ​លួច​គេ ក៏​គេ​ត្រូវ​វាយ​បែកក្បាល​ដែរ តែ​យើង​ចាប់​ដាក់គុក គេ​ថា​យើង​បំបិទ​សិទ្ធិ​សេរីភាព ហើយ​កាល​កាត់ទោស​កន្លងទៅ​គេ​មិនបាន​បិទ​វិទ្យុ​ទេ​គឺ​តុលាការ​បាន​កាត់​ពី​ ករណី​បំផុសបំផុល​ប្រឆាំង​អាជ្ញាធរ​សាធារណៈ​មិនមែនជា​ករណី​វិទ្យុ​ទេ​។ ដល់​យើង​ចាប់​ដាក់ទោស​ស្រែក​តវ៉ា អត់​បានទេ ជា​អង្គការ ជា​អ្នកនយោបាយ​ស្អី​ក៏​មាន​ទោស​ដែរ»។
នេះគឺ​ជាលើក​ទី ៦ ​ហើយដែល​សម្តេច​តេជោនា​យករ​ដ្ឋមន្រ្តី​អញ្ជើញ​ចុះសំ​ណាល​សាកសួ​រ សុខ​ទុក្ខ និ​ងចែក​បណ្ណក​ម្មសិ​ទ្ធដី​ធ្លីចែ​កជូ​ន ​ប្រជាព​លរ​ដ្ឋនៅតាមទីប្រជុំជនរា​ជធានីខេត្តមួយ​ចំនួនក្នុង ប្រទេ​សកម្ពុជាដោយលើកទី​ ១ សម្តេចតេជោ​នាយករដ្ឋម​ន្រ្តី និងលោក​ជំ ទាវ​កិត្តិព្រឹទ្ធ​បណ្ឌិត ​អញ្ជើញ ​ចែកជូនប័ណ្ណ​កម្មសិទ្ធិ​ដីធ្លីជូនប្រជា​ពលរដ្ឋចំ​នួន ៥៦០​ គ្រួសារស្មើ​ នឹង ៨៩០​ ប័ណ្ណរស់​ នៅឃុំស្រែ​ចារ និង ​ឃុំ ២ ធ្នូស្រុក​ស្នូលខេត្តក្រ​ចេះកាលពី​ថ្ងៃទី ២១ កញ្ញា​ លើកទី ​២ ចែកជូន ប្រជា​ពលរដ្ឋ​ចំនួន ៥៩៤ គ្រួសារស្មើនឹ​ងប័ណ្ណក​ម្មសិទ្ធិ ៩៧២​ប័ណ្ណរ​ស់នៅឃុំ​ឆ្នាល់មាន់​ស្រុកគាស់​ ក្រឡខេត្តបា​ត់ដំបង ​ថ្ងៃទី ៣០​ កញ្ញាឆ្នាំ ២០១​២ និងលើកទី​ ៣ ចែកប័ណ្ណក​ម្មសិទ្ធិជូន​ប្រជាពល​ រដ្ឋចំនួន​ ៦៨៥​ គ្រូសារ​ស្មើនឹង​ប័ណ្ណ កម្មសិទ្ធិ​ចំនួន ១០៨៦​ ប័ណ្ណ លើក​ទី ៤ចែក​ជូនប្រជ​ពលរដ្ឋចំ​នួន ៥១០ ​ក្បាលដីមាន​ផ្ទៃដីទំហំជា​ង ៤៣៦ ហិកតា​ និងមា​នប្រជាព​លរដ្ឋ រស់នៅ ​២៩៨ គ្រូសាររស់​នៅឃុំត្រស់​ និងឃុំគគីរ​ស្រុករមាស​ហែក ខេត្តស្វា​យរៀង និងលើ​កទី ៥ ចែកប័​ណ្ណកម្ម​សិទ្ធិជូ​នប្រជាព​លរដ្ឋ​ចំនួន ៧៤៤ ​គ្រូសារប័ណ្ណ​ក្បាលដី ១១០៨ ​ក្បាលដី​ស្មើនឹង ​២៨៨៦ ហិ​កតារស់​នៅឃុំប​ន្ទាយ ឆ្មា​ស្រុកថ្ម​ពួកខេត្តប​ន្ទាយមានជ័យ​ និងស្រុក​ បន្ទាយអំ​ពិល ខេត្ត​ឧត្តរមា​នជ័យ​៕

ជ​ប៉ុ​ន​នឹ​ង​ ​ជួ​យ​ឲ្យ​ក​ម្ពុ​ជា​ទ​ទួ​ល​បា​ន​ជោ​គ​ជ័​យ​ ​ក្នុ​ង​កិ​ច្ច​ប្រ​ជុំ​កំ​ពូ​ល​អា​ស៊ា​ន​លើ​ក​ទី​២​១​​​

ឯកឧត្ត​ម TSUYOSHI SAITO អនុ​រដ្ឋមន្រ្តីទី​ស្តីការគណៈរ​ដ្ឋមន្រ្តី និង​ជាប្រធានក្រុ​ម មិត្តភាព​សភា ជប៉ុន​-កម្ពុជាមា​នប្រសាសន៍​ឱ្យដឹង នា​ថ្ងៃទី ៩​ ខែតុលា ​ឆ្នាំ២០១២ថា​ នាយករដ្ឋ​មន្រ្តីជ​ប៉ុន ឯកឧ​ត្តម YOSHIHIKO NODAនឹងអញ្ជើ​ញមកចូ​លរួម​ក្នុងកិច្ចប្រជុំ​កំពូលអា​ស៊ានបូ​កមួយ អាស៊ាន​បូកបី ​និងកិច្ចប្រ​ជុំអាស៊ីបូ​ព៌ា នៅពា​ក់កណ្តាល​ ខែ ​វិច្ឆិកា​ឆ្នាំ២០​១២ខា​ងមុខនិ​ងបានស​ន្យាថាជ​ប៉ុន នឹ​ងខិតខំជួយ​ធ្វើយ៉ាងណាឲ្យ​កិច្ចប្រជុំ ​ដែលកម្ពុជា​ធ្វើជាម្ចាស់​ផ្ទះ និងជា​ប្រធាន​អាស៊ានទទួលបា​នជោគ​ជ័យ។
ឯកឧត្តម​ ស៊្រី ថា​មរុង្គ រ​ដ្ឋមន្រ្តីប្រតិ​ភូអមនាយក​រដ្ឋមន្រ្តីបា​នឲ្យដឹង​ថា នៅក្នុ​ងជំនួ​បសម្តែងកា​រគួរសម​ចំពោះសម្តេច​អគ្គមហាសេនា​បតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន​ សែន ​នៅវិមាន​សន្តិភា​ព ឯ​កឧត្ត​ម TSUYOSHI SAITOអនុរដ្ឋម​ន្រ្តីទីស្តីកា​រគណៈរ​ដ្ឋមន្រ្តី បាន​ថ្លែងថា ​គោល បំណង​នៃដំណើរ​ទស្សនកិ​ច្ចរបស់លោ​កនៅកម្ពុ​ជាក្នុងពេ​លនេះ គឺដើម្បី​ពង្រីក​ថែមទៀ​តនូវទំ​នាក់ទំន​ងទ្វេភាគី​និងជាកា​រត្រៀមរៀបចំ​សម្រាប់ កា​រប្រារព្ធខួ​បលើកទី ៦០​ ឆ្នាំនៃទំនាក់​ទំនងការទូត​រវាងជប៉ុន និង​កម្ពុជាដែល​នឹងប្រព្រឹត្ត​ទៅនៅឆ្នាំ​ ក្រោយនេះ ​ព្រមទាំងខួប​ លើកទី​ ៤០ ឆ្នាំនៃទំ​នាក់ទំន​ងជាដៃគូ​អាស៊ាន​-ជប៉ុន ​ដែលនឹងធ្វើ​នៅ ប្រទេសជ​ប៉ុននៅឆ្នាំក្រោ​យនេះផ​ងដែរ។
ឯកឧ​ត្តម  SAITO បានថ្លែង​អំណរគុណចំ​ពោះសម្តេចតេជោ​នាយករដ្ឋ​មន្រ្តី និងប្រជាជ​នកម្ពុ​ជា ដែល​បានទ​ទួលព្រះរជ្ជ​ទាយាទជ​ប៉ុនដែល បាន​យាងមក​បំពេញទ​ស្សនកិច្ច​នៅកម្ពុជា​នាពេល​កន្លងម​ក និងបាន​ពាំនាំនូវការ​ផ្តាំផ្ញើនូវកា​រសាកសួរ​សុខទុក្ខ​ពីឯកឧត្ត​មនាយក​រដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ជប៉ុន​ចំពោះ ស​ម្តេចតេជោ​ នាយករ​ដ្ឋមន្រ្តីផ​ងដែរ។ ​ឯកឧ​ត្តម TSUYOSHI SAITO អនុរដ្ឋ​មន្រ្តីទីស្តី​ការគណៈ​រដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ក៏បាន​ថ្លែងអំណរគុណ​ដល់ប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា ​ដែលបាន​ផ្តល់ ជំនួយដ​ល់ជប៉ុន ក្នុងពេ​លដែលជប៉ុ​នបានជួបប្រទះ​នូវគ្រោះធម្មជាតិ​រលកយក្សស៊ូណា​មី កាលពី​ខែ មីនា​ឆ្នាំ ២០១១ ដែល​ជាការ បង្ហាញ​ពីការគាំ​ទ្រ របស់សហ​គមន៍អន្តរ​ជាតិ ក្នុងនោះ​មានព្រះរា​ជាណាច​ក្រ កម្ពុជាផង​ដែរ ចំពោះ​ជប៉ុន ។ ឯក​ឧត្តម SAITOក៏បានថ្លែង​ស្ងើចសរសើរ​ចំពោះការគាំ​ទ្ររបស់ស​ម្តេចតេជោ នៅពេល​ដែលលោកបាន​ទៅ ធ្វើទស្សនកិ​ច្ចនៅរោងច​ក្រមីនី បៀនៅតំ​បន់សេដ្ឋ​កិច្ចពិសេស​រាជធានី ភ្នំ​ពេញ ដែល​ផលិតម៉ូ​ទ័រខ្នាត​តូច និងបាន​ថ្លែងអំ​ណរគុណ​ចំពោះសម្តេ​ចតេជោដែល​បានគាំទ្រ ​និង បានអ​ញ្ជើញចូលរួម​ក្នុងពិធីសម្ពោធ​ និ​ងបានគាំ​ទ្រក្រុម​ហ៊ុនអ៊ីយ៉ុ​ង ដែលនឹងក​សាងផ្សារទំនើប​ ដែលសសម្តេច​នាយករដ្ឋ​មន្រ្តីបាន​ ឯកភាព​ថា នឹងចូលរួ​មបើកការ​ដ្ឋាននៅថ្ងៃទី ​១០ ខែធ្នូ ​ឆ្នាំ២០១២​នោះផង​ដែរ​។
សម្តេច​តេជោនាយក​រដ្ឋមន្រ្តីបា​នមានប្រសាសន៍​ថ្លែងអំណរ ​គុណ ចំពោះ​លោក SAITO ដែលបា​នពាំនាំ​ នូវការផ្តាំ​ផ្ញើសាកសួរ​សុខទុក្ខពីឯ​កឧត្តមនាយ​ករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ​ជប៉ុន​ចំពោះស​ម្តេច ហើយសង្ឃឹម​សមភាគីទាំ​ងពីរនឹងបា​នជួបគ្នានៅក្នុ​ងកិច្ចប្រជុំ​កំពូលនា​ ខែ វិច្ឆិកា​ខាងមុ​ខនេះ។​
សម្តេ​ចតេជោបាន​ថ្លែងអំណរគុណ​ចំពោះប្រទេស​ជប៉ុនផង​ដែរ ដែលបាន​ផ្តល់ជំនួយ​នៅពេល​ដែល ​កម្ពុជាបា​នជួប ប្រទះគ្រោះទឹ​កជំនន់កាល​ពីពេលកន្លង​មក និ​ងបានឯ​កភាពទាំងស្រុង​ចំពោះការ​ ត្រៀមរៀប​ចំប្រារព្ធ ​ខួប ៦០ ឆ្នាំនៃទំនាក់​ទំនងរវាង ​កម្ពុជា-​ជប៉ុន ដោយបាន​ស្នើឲ្យមាន​ការពិនិត្យ ​មើលទំនាក់​ទំនងដែល​ ប្រទេសទាំង​ពីរមានកន្លង​មក និងរៀប​ចំចក្ខុវិស័យ​សម្រាប់ទំនាក់ទំនង​ ប្រទេសទាំងពីរនា​ពេលអនាគតផង​ដែរ​។ សម្តេចនា​យករដ្ឋ​មន្រ្តីបាន​ស្នើឲ្យក្រសួ​ងការបរទេស និ​ងសហប្រតិប​ត្តិការអន្តរ​ជាតិសិក្សាជា​មួយស្ថាន ទូតជ​ប៉ុន ដើម្បីរៀ​បចំកម្ម​វិធីនេះឲ្យ​បានល្អ​។
សម្តេច​នាយករដ្ឋ​មន្រ្តីបាន​សម្តែង នូវការពេ​ញចិត្តយ៉ាង​ខ្លាំងចំពោះកិ​ច្ចសហប្រ​តិបត្តិកា​រទ្វេភាគី ​ដែលមានការរីក​ចម្រើន ជាពិសេស​ក្នុង ពេលថ្មី​ៗនេះ វិនិយោគ​ជប៉ុនបាន​ចាប់ផ្តើម​ចូលមក​កាន់កម្ពុជា​ ដែលពីមុន​មកកម្ពុជា​បានទទួលតែជំនួយសព្វ​បែបយ៉ាងពី​ប្រទេសជប៉ុន តែប៉ុ​ណ្ណោះ។សម្តេ​ចតេជោបា​ន សម្តែងក្តី​សង្ឃឹមថា​ ពីពេលនេះ​តទៅបន្ថែម​លើកិច្ចស​ហប្រតិ​បត្តិការ​ដ៏ល្អ ប្រសើរ​រវាងប្រទេស​ទាំង ពីរ ខាងផ្នែកវិ​និយោគ​ ក៏ដូ​ចជាខា​ងផ្នែក​ទេសច​រណ៍ក៏​នឹងកើន​ឡើង ​ផងដែ​រ៕

French looks to increase investments and tourism with Cambodia

PHNOM PENH, 10 Oct. 2012 (PRU) - French Ambassador His Excellency Christian Connan informed Deputy Prime Minister His Excellency Dr. Sok An on Tuesday that Paris is looking forward to increase tourism and investments with Cambodia, a move that shows stronger bilateral relations over time.
The outgoing Ambassador Connan recalled the French business group, which visited Cambodia recently, and was pleased with Cambodia’s development and showed their interest to expand investments in the Kingdom.
Both sides shared joint views that their relations have improved over time and that it is contributing to increased investment and tourism for mutual benefit in the long run.
Paris sees the bilateral relations “to reach its highest level ever in 2013”, said the Ambassador.
His Excellency Connan also informed His Excellency Dr. Sok An, who is also Minister in Charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers, that French investors would look to invest more in the area of manufacturing  in Cambodia.
The Deputy Prime Minister welcomed the Ambassador’s initiative to encourage French interest in rice investment in the Kingdom that has large potential in rice production.
The country’s rice production is targeted at approximately 8 million tons for 2011/2012 and exports its surplus rice to Vietnam and Thailand every year.
Cambodia exported 180,000 tons of milled rice last year and targets 1 million ton of milled rice export by 2015.
The Kingdom of Wonder has high potential in tourism, especially cultural tourism which contributes significantly towards the sharp increase in foreign tourist arrivals to nearly 3 millions a year over the last couple of years.
The IMF forecast last week said that Cambodia’s growth will reach up to 7 percent this year, thanks to growth in the agriculture, tourism and construction sectors.
Paris has long-standing historic ties with Cambodia.
In 2005, the official visit of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen featured the signing of the first Framework Partnership Document.
In November 2006, King Sihamoni made a State visit to France, and Prime Minister Hun Sen made another official visit to France in July 2009 and attended the 14th July parade as guest of honour. End

សន្ទរកថា ឯកឧត្តម​បណ្ឌិត​សភាចារ្យ សុខ អាន ក្នុង​ពិធី​សម្ភោធ​ដាក់​ឲ្យ​ប្រើប្រាស់​ជា​ផ្លូវ​ការ នូវ​អគារ និង​ប្រព័ន្ធ​គ្រប់​គ្រង ទិន្នន័យ​សំណុំ​រឿង​ក្តី របស់​សាលា​ឧទ្ធរណ៍ និង​មហា​អយ្យការ​អម​សាលា​ឧទ្ធរណ៍

Speech by His Excellency Dr. SOK AN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers and Co-chairman of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform at the Inauguration of the Building and Database/Case Management System of the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal

Unofficial Translation
Speech by His Excellency Dr. SOK AN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers and Co-chairman of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform at the Inauguration of the Building and Database/Case Management System of the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal
Phnom Penh, 10 October 2012
  • H.E. Dith Munty, President of Supreme Court and Co-chairman of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform,
  • H.E. Ang Vong Vathana, Minister of Justice,
  • H.E. Prum Sokha, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior,
  • H.E. You Bunleng, President of the Court of Appeal,
  • H.E. Ouk Savuth, General Prosecutor attached to the Court of Appeal,
  • H.E. Penny Richards, Ambassador of Australia to the Kingdom of Cambodia,
  • Ms. Marie-Dominique Parent, Acting Representative of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Kingdom of Cambodia,
  • National and International Guests, Scouts, Red Cross Youth, and beloved Students,
  • Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen!
It is my great pleasure to be here today with Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen as well students at the “Inauguration of the Building and Database/Case Management System of the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal”. Taking this opportunity, I wish to highly appreciate and value great efforts made by the management and staff at all levels of the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal in contributing to this outstanding achievement for the sake of better performing services and more effective court proceedings. Meanwhile, I would like to deeply thank the Government and People of Australia for providing both financial and technical assistance to the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal through Cambodia Criminal Justice Assistance Project (CCJAP), aiming at a better and successful implementation of legal and judicial reform strategy.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen!
Today’s gathering is an important event which reflects a further improvement of judicial system in Cambodia. These achievements have been realized, thanks to a strong support and commitment of the Royal Government of Cambodia under the wise leadership of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen - Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform, as well as national and international communities.
As we all are aware, physical infrastructure and human resources in Cambodia were totally destroyed by Pol Pot genocidal regime. After a victory on 7 January 1979, we have been working, on the one hand, to rehabilitate and develop the country from our bare hands, and on the other, to prevent the return of the genocidal regime, during the time when Cambodia was under strict embargoes. Everything has been reconstructed, including legal frameworks, which are indispensable to ensure the protection of rights, freedom, and benefits for people in our society.
Having seen such importance, the Royal Government of Cambodia has paid high attention to legal and judicial reform since the first legislature of the National Assembly. As a matter of fact, through a collaboration with various development partners, the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform has prepared action plans for implementing the legal and judicial reform in order to promote independence and neutrality of the court system; also to promote social justice towards reducing corruption in order to eliminate the culture of impunity to promote culture of peace, respect of laws and the rule of law. The Royal Government of Cambodia has also paid close attention to the development of physical infrastructure for the judiciary in order to respond to actual needs, as well as to improve the effectiveness of the judiciary work.
According to the report of H.E. You Bunleng, President of the Court of Appeal, this new building is a significant achievement to fulfill certain needs of the Court of Appeal such as offices, courtrooms, lawyer rooms, waiting rooms, case storages, and other necessary equipments, to facilitate the implementation of its duties more effectively.
Meanwhile, the initiative to organize a database/case management system is ideal to gather information in order to facilitate the management, review and monitor activities of judges and prosecutors in the court proceedings, as well as to disseminate information of cases to relevant people much faster. It also signifies the transparency of dispute resolutions. With close cooperation with the Government of Australia through CCJAP, the case database has been established at the Court of Appeal, and this system is considered a model for the courts at all levels throughout the country.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen!
As a co-chair of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform, I would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on the objectives and activities, being implemented by the Government, with respect to the legal and judicial reform in Cambodia. The strategic goal is to further strengthen law implementation and the court system with adequate capability to be a credible one, upholding the principles of the separation of powers in order to promote the economic development and to contribute to the building and strengthening of the rule of law.
To this end, we should be determined to successfully implement several key elements: (i) better access to justice, (ii) modernization of legal framework in response to the developments of the country, and (iii) establishment of an independent and efficient court system.
The access to justice refers to the people’s rights to justice, meaning a justice-providing mechanism is established close to the people, with capable staff adhering to professional ethics. This mechanism does not only refer to court system. The settlement of the disputes outside the court system is also a vital mechanism. The Royal Government has paid high attention to the development of physical infrastructure within the court. Currently, each of the 24 provinces-municipalities has its own court.
The Royal Government has been building and renovating courts of first instance in some provinces. Through CCJAP, four courts of first instance in Kandal, Kampong Cham, Banteay Mean Chey, and Phnom Penh were built as the model courts. Today, the new building of the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal is being inaugurated, under the assistance of the Australian Government through this Project.
Besides court system, other mechanisms for dispute settlements have been established including labor disputes resolved by the Arbitration Council, and land disputes by Cadastral Commission and National Commission for Resolving Land Issues. Service Center for Justice at certain districts and other commissions for resolving minor issues at certain communes are set up as pilot projects to facilitate the justice-seeking process for local people to foster social harmony.
Along with the development of physical infrastructure, the Royal Government also focuses on human resource development in order to enable the court system to perform better. To date, the Royal Academy for Judicial Professions has trained 5 batches of judges and prosecutors, totaling 290. The Royal School for Greffier has provided training to 143 greffiers, and provides short training courses for the 550 court clerks. The Center for Lawyer Training has trained 644 lawyers.
To enhance capacity of judge students, the Royal School for Magistracy has established a close relationship with certain well-known Legal and Judicial Professional Schools such as French National School of the Judiciary; Russian Academy of Justice; Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Republic of Korea, and Supreme Council of Notary of France. The Royal School for Magistracy has also been cooperating with other development partners, mainly Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and United Nation Commission on International Trade Law in Asia Pacific (UNCITRAL RCAP).
With a view to encouraging judges and prosecutors to perform their duties with a high professional ethic, the Supreme Council of Magistracy enacted in 2007 a code of ethics for judges and prosecutors to be implemented in all Cambodian courts. Also, the Royal Academy for Judicial Professions has also incorporated this code into the training curriculum for the judges. On 11 September 2012, with request from Co-chairs of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform, the Government issued a sub-decree to amend the sub-decree on the improvement of work efficiency of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Council of Magistracy in order to further strengthen the implementation of the code of ethics for judges and prosecutors.
Furthermore, in order for people to better understand the judicial service, the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform has cooperated with judiciary-related institutions, preparing the 3rd compendium of public service on services related to judiciary and arbitration.
Excellencies, Ladies, and Gentlemen!
While a priority is given to the access to justice, the Royal Government is committed to modernizing the legal framework. The modernization of the legal framework refers to the formulation of laws to meet the essential social needs and context, with adherence to the constitution. To date, more than 400 laws have been passed, amongst which four fundamental codes are closely related to court procedure, namely Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure. The Royal Government has also been working on drafting additional important laws to ensure socio-economic development and maintain security, order, safety, and harmony for our people. For instance, the draft law on organization of court and prosecution institutions will be discussed at the inter-ministerial meeting at the Office of the Council of Ministers next week. In order to improve a more effective court procedure, this draft law includes the creation of different specialized divisions, namely court administration at all court levels, Chambers for Commercial Disputes, and Chambers for Labor and Social Affairs Dispute. Other chambers will also be established in the near future.
Furthermore, the court system functions well only if the justice is served within the legal framework and existing legal procedures. Courts at all levels in Cambodia have been further strengthening their legal procedures in all aspects and stages, including the implementation framework through court complaint system and structure. In order for the Cambodian court system to better function, we also have regularly assigned the duties and tasks of the legal professions in the judiciary system. In this sense, training programs have been organized to train judges, prosecutors and court clerks to strictly adhere to the four main qualities: self-motivation, loyalty, professionalism, and culture of service.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen!
Once again, I would like to express my appreciation to the leadership and officials of the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal for overcoming difficulties and challenges to achieve these significant achievements. This also reflects great efforts in strengthening justice in Cambodia. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the development partners, particularly the Australian Government who always attaches great importance to the field of judiciary, through its cooperation with judiciary-related institutions.
As co-chair of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform, I firmly believe that the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal will double its efforts in performing their noble tasks to better provide justice to people.
I would like to call on all relevant ministries and judiciary-related institutions to properly perform their duties with high sense of responsibility in order for the judicial institutions to be fully trusted by the society, as it is a prerequisite to ensure sustainable and equitable socio-economic development.
In conclusion, I wish all Venerable Monks, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, good health, success and happiness.
I now declare the Inauguration of the Building and Database/Case Management System of the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of Appeal.
Thank you!

ចំណាប់​អារម្មណ៍ របស់​លោកស្រី Marie-Dominique Parent តំណាង​ស្តីទី ការិយាល័យ​ឧត្តម​ស្នងការ អង្គការ​សហ​ប្រជា​ជាតិ ទទួល​បន្ទុក​សិទ្ធមនុស្ស ក្នុង​ពិធី​សម្ភោធ​សាលា​ឧទ្ធរ

OHCHR Remarks for Court of Appeal opening by Ms. Marie-Dominique Parent, Human Rights Officer and Officer-in-Charge

សន្ទរកថា លោកជំទាវ ផិននី រីឆាដស៏ ឯកអគ្គរាជ​ទូត​អូស្រ្តាលី ប្រចាំ​កម្ពុជា នា​ឱ​កាស​បើក​សម្ភោធ​ដាក់​អោយ​ប្រើប្រាស់​ជាផ្លូវ​ការ អគារសាលា​​ឧទ្ទរណ៏ និងប្រព័ន្ធ​គ្រប់​គ្រង​ទិន្ន័យ​សំណុំ​រឿង ក្រោមជំនួយ​ឧប្ថម​របស់​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​អូស្រ្តាលី

Speech delivered by HE Penny Richards, Australian Ambassador to Cambodia at the Opening of the Phnom Penh Court of Appeal Building and launch of the case data base funded by government of Australia


HE Dr Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in Charge of Council of Ministers and Co-Chair of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform
HE Dith Munty, President of the Supreme Court and Co-Chair of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform
HE Chea Leang, Prosecutor General of the Supreme Court
HE Ang Vong Vathana, Minister of Justice
HE You Bunleng, President of the Court of Appeal
HE Ouk Savuth, Prosecutor General of the Court of Appeal
H.E Prum Sokha, Secretary of State of Ministry of Interior
Senior Ministers and Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

I am very pleased to represent the Government of Australia at the opening of the new building and the case data base at the Court of Appeal in the Kingdom of Cambodia.  The Government of Australia, through AusAID, has funded the renovation and extension of the Court buildings as part of our joint effort with the Royal Government of Cambodia to improve legal and judicial processes for Cambodians.
The new Court of Appeal building is an important part of a large program of infrastructure support under Australia’s AUD 20 million justice sector contributions to the Royal Government of Cambodia, managed through the third phase of the Cambodian Criminal Justice Assistance Project (CCJAP3).
Characteristics of a well-functioning justice system
It is the strong wish of both Governments that people have confidence in the justice system.  A well-functioning justice system means that the police work with communities to prevent crime.  It means that security forces use only proportionate force in responding to disorder.  It means that deaths caused by the authorities in the course of their duties are investigated promptly and transparently.  It means that the rights of people against whom allegations are made are respected.  It means that charges are laid promptly and cases are dealt with in a fair and timely manner by the courts.  Accused persons should have access to a lawyer and should be sentenced appropriately, including through the compassionate use of non-custodial penalties available under the law.
Strengthening the role of the Court of Appeal
The Court of Appeal considers all appeals of judgments by the Provincial and Municipal courts and the military court.  It is the role of the Court of Appeal to protect the rights of citizens established under the Constitution, and to correct any errors of law that may have occurred in lower Courts.
There are currently serious delays in hearing appeals.  It is important that appeals are heard and that decisions are communicated to the appellants in a timely manner.  Justice delayed is justice denied.
Both Governments want to remedy this injustice.  The Government of Australia has provided funding for a larger Court building in order to hasten consideration of the large number of outstanding appeals.  The extension of the Court of Appeal with this new building should see a significant improvement in this situation.  This more spacious Court will create a better working environment.  It should allow the Court to deal with appeal cases in a more transparent and timely fashion.  Decreasing the backlog of cases will also improve the serious overcrowding of prisons in Cambodia.
Not only does the new building double the capacity of the court to hear cases, but it also allows the Court to reorganise its administration.  In addition to the two extra court rooms, the new building also has more room to store evidence and to maintain court records and files.  It provides rooms for lawyers to ensure access by their clients to legal services and holding cells so that prisoners can be present when their appeal is heard.  This is a right under the Constitution.
The Court can now establish a public information office to advise people of their rights and to increase the delivery of services to the public.  Australia and the Royal Government of Cambodia are also committed to strenthening the database system within the Court to allow us jointly to monitor expected reductions in excessive pre and post-trial detention and the related violation of detainees' rights.  With this new building and a new data managment system, I hope that excessive detention will be eliminated and that we will see a reduction in prison overcrowding.

I was also delighted to learn that the President of the Appeal Court has introduced the electronic case management system used at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia to the Appeal Court.  This is exactly the kind of transfer of best practice from the ECCC to the national courts which helps to sustain the international community’s contributions to the ECCC budget.
The Australian Government is also funding two legal aid lawyers attached to the Court of Appeal to support efforts to reduce the backlog of appeal cases and uphold the rights of appellants.
The draft Law on Organization and Functioning of the Court commits the Royal Government of Cambodia to establish Regional Courts of Appeal and a mobile Court of Appeal, a development which would further reduce the backlog of appeal cases.  I encourage the early adoption of this Law, as it will address many injustices currently occurring where prisoners on appeal languish in gaol well beyond the legally allowable period.
Importance of legal ethics
Physical infrastructure alone does not guarantee better access to justice.  It also requires good leadership, good management, high ethical standards, open lines of communication, and respect for all people.  Judges and court officials must demonstrate the highest standards of honesty and integrity.  They must decide cases according to the law and relevant facts, taking into account all admissible evidence.
Parties before the courts must have confidence that the judicial system is free from corruption and political interference.  Judicial independence is paramount.  If citizens lose confidence that they can receive a fair legal verdict in the courts, they will turn to other methods to resolve their grievances, such as political demonstrations or direct action.  Conversely, a well functioning legal system contributes to social stability.  If the community sees that the rich and powerful are treated in the same way as the poor and powerless, they will feel confident in resolving their disputes peacefully through the legal system.  However, the belief that rich people can get away with committing crimes without punishment, or that poor people will be convicted without a proper defence and be subjected to harsh penalties, leads to fear, resentment and social instability.  An independent and efficient legal system is important both to protect human rights and also to maintain social stability and underpin sustainable economic growth.
Future Australian assistance
            CCJAP Phase 3 concluded in September 2012.  However, Australia has committed to assist the Royal Government of Cambodia through a new program until 2015.  Building on our past engagement and strong relationships in the justice sector, the new program will place increased emphasis on working with local authorities, communities, and civil society to prevent crime and improve community safety, reduce prison overcrowding, expand access to legal services, and consider practical alternatives to resolve disputes.  There will also be greater effort by both Governments to eliminate violence against women, with additional funding from the Government of Australia to support the implementation of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s National Action Plan on Domestic Violence through a comprehensive response that improves enforcement of the domestic violence law and increases services to victims of domestic violence.
Australia will work with the Ministry of Justice and NGOs to support interim arrangements to provide access to legal aid at each Provincial Court while the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform consider options for a government-financed legal aid system.  This is a priority of the Cambodian Government’s Legal and Judicial Reform Strategy.  Access to legal aid for every person accused of a crime is guaranteed under Cambodian law.  This is an important means of protecting the rights of individuals and avoiding errors of law in courts of first instance that increase the workload of the Appeal Court.
Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
I would like to express my sincere thanks to HE Dr Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in Charge of the Council of Ministers and Co-Chair of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform, for devoting his valuable time to attend today’s opening ceremony.  Further improvement in the Cambodian legal system will require his strong leadership and we must rely on his commitment to improving the Cambodian people’s access to justice.
I commend the efforts of Their Excellencies, the President of the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General of the Supreme Court, the Minister for Justice, the President of the Appeal Court and the Prosecutor General of the Appeal Court in strengthening the legal system and call on them to make unremitting efforts to stamp out corruption and uphold the independence and professionalism of Cambodian judges, prosecutors, defence lawyers and court officials.
I would like to express my appreciation to the Chair and Deputy Chairs of the National Management Board, the Ministry of Justice, and their colleagues with whom we have worked hand in hand to improve the working standards of courts in Cambodia and to improve the management of prisons.
Allow me to convey my appreciation for the contribution of other donors and civil society partners who continue to support the courts, prisons and communities in order to improve access to justice in Cambodia.  I particularly wish to thank the CCJAP team members for working so productively with a wide range of partners and for their dedication and commitment to ensuring the human rights of all Cambodian citizens are at the centre of our involvement in the justice sector.
Let me conclude with the fervent hope that the inauguration of these new Court of Appeal facilities will be a further step along the road to a fairer and better justice system in Cambodia.
Thank you.

Speech HE You Bunleng, President of Appeal Court during the Opening Ceremony to Officially Inaugurate