Friday, March 23, 2012

Cambodia contributes to sustainable development in the Greater Mekong Sub-region

PHNOM PENH, 22March 2012 (PRU) - Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Sok An said on Thursday that Cambodia would use its natural resources in the Mekong River for economic and social development, adding that sustainable development is needed for the benefit of generations to come.
His Excellency Dr. Sok An shared his view when receiving a delegation of the Mekong Institute (MI)—on the sideline of a three-day regional seminar—that “the Royal Government of Cambodia is in favour of energy production, but we have to pay attention to environmental issue as well”.
Cambodia currently imports electricity from neighbouring countries—Laos, Vietnam and Thailand—to support its growing development.

“We have natural resources. We should use them but in a sustainable manner”, the DPM stated.

Dr. Sok An said that any country’s development in the Greater Mekong Sub-region should not impact other projects of the Mekong, where other donors including Japan, South Korea and the U.S. are also engaged.

“Any projects of the GMS should be harmonised with others.”
Dr. Sok An stressed that balanced socio-economic development and environmental protection should be taken into account.

The MI organised a regional seminar on Water Energy Development and Environmental Protection in the GMS from 21 to 23 March in Phnom Penh with nearly 60 participants from the countries involved. Cambodia co-hosted the seminar with China.

H.E. Dr. Sok An praised the MI, established in 1996, and said it should play a greater role in ensuring that the six countries of the GMS would adopt strategic sustainable development plans. The GMS comprises Cambodia, Lao P.D.R., Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan Province and the Guangxi Autonomous Region of China.

“The MI should be more active”, he said.
Mr. Zhang Yue, the Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), led the delegation to meet the Deputy Prime Minister.

Zhang Yue said that this is the first time that Beijing has supported MI in hosting the seminar. China sees the seminar as reflecting regional perspectives on sustainable development and the environment.

“China is playing an important role in regional cooperation within the framework of the GMS”, said Zhang Yue.